William Pendley has built a career off of pushing to sell our public lands to the highest bidder and stripping protections from them, including the sacred Badger-Two Medicine area right here in Montana.

And for the past several months, he has been illegally running the Bureau of Land Management — the agency charged with protecting our nation’s public lands.

You see, the Trump administration appointed Pendley to lead this agency while avoiding public scrutiny or Senate confirmation. So, a non-partisan judge recently ruled that Pendley has been serving his position illegally and must be removed.

Here’s the catch — the Trump administration is refusing and pushing back against this ruling. Shocker.

So I introduced a bill to prevent this from happening. If the Trump Administration doesn’t think Pendley can come before the American public and answer tough questions about his abysmal public lands record, he needs to go.

We need to protect our public lands. Sign my urgent petition demanding the Senate pass my bill and remove Pendley from the Bureau of Land management immediately.


The bottom line is this: our public lands are special places.

They are reserved for the public’s use and enjoyment — not for the profit margins of big corporations and prospecting oil companies. And it’s our responsibility to preserve these lands for future generations.

Thanks for raising your voice on this,
