
Did you see the Cook Political Report this morning?

11 out of 12 late-breaking House races have shifted in Democrats’ direction.

We are surging, John! If we finish strong, we can beat Trump, flip the Senate, and expand our majority in the House. Imagine what we could do with Democrats in control of the White House and Congress.

We could immediately get to work on a plan to beat COVID-19, expand health care, combat climate change, take care of workers and families who are struggling during a stalled economy, and work to rebuild our relationships that Trump burned down around the world.

But none of that matters if we get complacent in the final days. Trump and his web of dark money groups are going to pull out all the stops—so we need to double down on everything we’re doing.

Please rush a donation right now to Serve America so we can help our candidates running in key districts and states get across the finish line.

Barack Obama put it best a few months ago. He said:

“Whatever you’ve done so far is not enough.”

We’re going to keep working our hearts out because when everything is on the line, every little bit counts.

Thank you for everything you’re doing.

Marie Harf
Executive Director
Serve America