Team -- Do you think we should get dark money out of our elections for good?

Jon does too. He’s sponsoring legislation to get dark money out of our politics and fight corrupt lobbyists in Washington.

But the Trump administration just rolled out a new rule to let special interest groups hide their donors. It’s clear who’s calling the shots in Trump’s Washington: dark money PACs, lobbyists, and giant corporations who are used to buying their way.

It’s going to take all of us, one grassroots contribution at a time, to challenge their power and get dark money out of politics for good.

Will you pitch in right now if you believe we’ve got to end dark money’s influence in our elections? Every contribution will help Jon keep leading the fight to stop dark money.


Thanks for making a contribution. Our government should work for people, not dark money groups or big corporations.

Every dollar from grassroots contributors like you helps make that happen.

— Team Tester