I am sounding the alarm, John!

We are being grossly outspent by the Democrats - but we have a plan.

Our elections are going to be won with voter turnout.  In order to turn out even MORE voters - our candidates and our message need to be seen ASAP.  

Have you seen our new "voter guide" ad (below) in the papers? 

I need you and 499 other patriots to help fund this ad and more like it in Hawaii papers, and promoted on digital platforms with micro targeting with $20 each to hit our $10,000 ad goal by tomorrow night!
Give $20 to Fund Turnout Ads
Give $35 to Fund Turnout Ads
Give $60 to Fund Turnout Ads
Give $80+ to Fund Turnout Ads
This is our MOST AGGRESSIVE goal yet, but I know Hawai'i Republicans like you will answer the call.  I don't want to regret not doing everything we could to save our state.  

Turning out voters for ANY of our local races helps the President and our Congressional candidates.  This ad funding is critical to our victory.

Thank you, again, for helping us create a better Hawai'i. 

Chairman, Hawai'i Republican Party
Fund MORE voter turnout ads!

Paid for by the Hawaii Republican Party.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.  www.GOPHawaii.com
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