Texas Freedom Network
Texas Freedom Network

Dear John,

I wanted to pass along the message below because I continue to be amazed and impressed by the energy and passion of the young Texans in our Texas Rising program. Quite frankly, they can't wait for Nov. 3, 2020.

This rising generation of progressive voters has the power to truly impact Texas politics. Your investment in this movement is key to bringing lasting progressive change to communities across our state.

Our values are on the line in 2020.

In the fight,
TFN President

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Hey y’all, this is Lexy from Texas Rising. I’m super excited to be here at Texas Southern University to attend tonight’s Democratic Presidential Debate.

Tonight is a big deal. Thanks to young voters, Texas is the biggest battleground state in the country. Our generation is the key to winning Texas, and tonight, we expect to hear bold policy plans on issues important to us.

Later today I'll be taking over the Texas Rising Instagram account to give you updates from the debate. I invite you to follow along @texrising – it should be a fun night!

Lexy Garcia
Regional Field Coordinator

Reproductive Freedom | LGBTQ Equality | Voting Rights | Criminal Justice Reform | Immigration

Texas Rising is a project of TFN, which advances a mainstream agenda that promotes religious freedom, individual liberties and quality public education.

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