From Team Mikie <[email protected]>
Subject "An extremist who wants to tear up gun-safety laws, ban abortion, and kill Obamacare"
Date October 21, 2020 3:52 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

The Star-Ledger: "Choose the sensible veteran, not the radical: Mikie Sherrill for Congress"

Great news: The Star-Ledger called Mikie their choice to represent NJ-11 in the House "a thousand times over!"

"If you want practical solutions to our problems, from health care to the virus, vote for Sherrill. She's winning support even from local Republicans, who see how hard she works for the 11th district."
- The Star-Ledger

Chip in right now, and your contribution will be DOUBLED →

In contrast, this is what the Star-Ledger had to say about Mikie's corporate lobbyist opponent:

She's "an extremist who wants to tear up gun-safety laws, ban abortion, and kill Obamacare."
She "lacks experience" and is using "scare-mongering" as a campaign tactic.
She "reflexively embraces the talking points of Fox News and the Trump White House."

The choice couldn't be clearer, but we need to give these last weeks before Election Day 100% in order to deliver the leadership New Jerseyans deserve.

The election is not over yet.

Right now, we're matching all contributions. If you can, chip in, and your contribution will be doubled.


Team Mikie

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