
If the Trump Administration and a group of 18 states convince the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA), its Medicaid expansion – which covers more than 12 million low-income adults across the country – would end along with the rest of the law.

That would take health coverage away from millions, reduce access to care, increase premature deaths, and increase medical debt costs. It would also exacerbate racial disparities in coverage and access to care, and it would harm children along with adults.

Oral arguments before the Court are scheduled for November 10. While legal experts almost uniformly dismiss the Trump Administration’s argument as absurd, the case has made its way to the Supreme Court, raising a real risk that the Court could overturn the law.  

We have released a suite of materials today showing the benefits of Medicaid for millions of low-income folks, and that the coverage losses from ending expansion would cause severe harm:

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Additional Resources

 ›  We have also updated our chart book showing (in graphs!) the far-reaching benefits of Medicaid expansion.
Contact: Caroline Anderson-Gray, 202-408-1080, Director of Digital Strategy
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