In less than 2 weeks it will be Election Day, and we have a critical task at hand. Saving our country from the jaws of socialism and Joe Biden's corrupt crime family!

If we fail to elect a Republican majority to the house, we risk losing everything. 

But, we are confident that if every single person we reach out to does just a little more, we can raise the resources necessary to pull off an astounding victory for our state and nation!

That’s where you come in friend. You’re one of the strongest Trump patriots we know which is why we're recruiting you to join Casper in this critical fight for our nation’s future.

Help Casper and these 29 rock stars get elected to congress!
  • Will you join Casper and other patriots in condemning violence, hatred and rioting?
  • Will you join Casper and other patriots and vote your values?

We need to get our Churches, Schools and Businesses safely back open ASAP! We need bold new leadership across Colorado! We need a new vision and a new plan for CD7!

Even though you might live in a different congressional district, and maybe you can't vote for Casper, he can vote for you with his vote in Congress.

We are asking that you donate $214 that’s $17.76 a month to the Casper for Colorado campaign. With your help we will have enough resources to get the message out and to hold our Democrat opponent accountable. We have a 5-point plan to win and with your help we will get it done.

Thank you for helping take back Colorado!

Please help Casper fight for CD7 and meet our fundraising goal this month! We won’t get there without you!

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Casper for Colorado · 6833 S. Dayton St #187 · Greenwood Village, Co 80112 · USA