"The number of black men and women that are killed by police in
the United States is astonishing. Neither Republicans nor Democrats
have been willing to overturn policies that impede justice for our
community. In this forum we will explore strategies that can tackle
these issues." — Robin Harris, GPUS Black Caucus Co-Chair
We may not have glitzy, prime-time stages on the pay-for-play news
networks. We may not have multi-millionaire newsreaders to serve as
our “moderators.” But what we do have is a Green
Party dedicated to actual democracy in our
presidential primary and candidates dedicated to fighting for People
and Planet over profit — and we are in the fight of our lives.
That’s why we’re excited to invite you to watch the September 20th
presidential candidates forum hosted by the GPUS Black Caucus. Forums
and debates like these are essential for Greens to
make an informed choice in our 2020 primary and to inform folks not
yet in the party about our candidates’ bold platforms. Will
you give $20.20 or perhaps $25 or $50 so we have the resources to
support these events and spread the word to ensure the
entire country knows that Greens are out there
campaigning for our shared values?
Our party’s Black Caucus is hard at work organizing a forum that
will focus on long-neglected political concerns of Black communities
such as redlining, livable wages, the housing crisis and police
brutality. You
can join us on Friday, September 20th at 6pm ET in Muncie, IN on the
campus of Ball State University or over the web on Facebook
Live. RSVP at that link so you get important details and
the latest updates!
We don’t take corporate donations and we won’t sell ads for
the corporate TV networks. That means no one will promote or
fund our debates except us. Please spread the word to
your friends, family and allies. Tell your favorite reporters and
media outlets that voters deserve coverage of all of
the candidates for 2020! And
please give today — any amount helps — so we can continue supporting
the efforts of our caucuses and state parties to introduce these
candidates to communities across the country.
In Solidarity, Robin Harris GPUS Black Caucus Co-chair
P.S. Our presidential nominating convention is in just under 10
months! 😲 Can you help us gear up for the general election campaign
with a monthly donation? It’s super easy to sign up to contribute $10,
$25 or more every month!
Green Party of the United States http://www.gp.org/