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Editor's Note:

The presidential election has everyone's attention for the next two weeks, but there are many critical down-ballot races that can make or break the liveability of a local community. As Stella Morabito warns us, local races cannot be an afterthought. For example, does the candidate for sheriff actually believe in equal justice under the law? Do the county commission candidates prefer Marxism or the Constitution? Perhaps a candidate for clerk of circuit court, frequently the local official who signs off on concealed carry permits, might prefer to delay rather than expedite permit processing. Fortunately, there are tools we can utilize to find out what our options are. It is homework that will be well worth the effort. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
October 21, 2020
Your Neighborhood is On the Ballot on November 3

Americans ought to be thinking a lot harder about their local, down-ballot races. This year, more than any other in recent memory, we got a bitter taste of the power of local officials to enable, and even promote, rioting and mayhem in America.

Many of us have watched aghast as mayors of blue cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and New York turned a blind eye or even encouraged mob rule that resulted in wide-scale violence, vandalism, looting, injury, and, yes, murder. They have flatly rejected all offers by President Trump to bring it under control by calling in the National Guard. Let’s not forget that these mayors — along with the many other officials close to them — were elected locally.

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