Friends –

After years of fighting against taxpayer-funded animal testing, we are finally making some headway!

In a major victory for us this week, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator signed a directive to prioritize efforts to reduce animal testing.

This is a win for our furry friends, and for taxpayers! But the reality is, they are still being unfairly tested on right under our noses.

Congress is STILL sitting on the FACT Act – a bill I introduced at the beginning of the year that would help end unnecessary, painful, taxpayer-funded lab testing on animals. Until we get this bill passed, taxpayers will continue to fund the abuse of helpless animals....without a choice.

The conversation surrounding animal testing has been reignited, and it's time to make our voices heard to create real change. Will you pitch in $20 or more to help me end unnecessary taxpayer-funded animal testing?

Administrator Wheeler also announced $4.25 million in funding to five universities for alternative test methods and strategies that reduce vertebrate animal testing.

We can protect both animals and taxpayers by curbing the use of animals in research projects where alternatives are readily available, but we need to pass the FACT Act to do that.

Friends, without your support, these animals will continue to be abused, misused, and tortured. I am making this issue my top priority, and I will not stop until these animal lives are respected.

Will you rush $20 or more to support my fight to save our animal friends?


Ken Calvert
Congressman Ken Calvert

Paid for and authorized by
Ken Calvert for Congress

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