Dear John,
A beloved home is not just a physical shelter. It's the place that love lives. It's our connection to our people, land, and ancestors.
We're thrilled to launch the second pillar of our trans agenda for liberation: BELOVED HOME.

As the stewards of this pillar of the Trans Agenda for Liberation, we are Navajo and Assiniboine, from Zimbabwe, Hawai'i, Sāmoa, Mexico, Lebanon, Japan, Nigeria, Borinquen, Korea, and from endless lineages. We are Black, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Asian, Latinx, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Arab and migrant transgender, gender non-conforming, nonbinary, and Indigenous two-spirit people.
We demand a world in which housing is a right and a world in which our beloved homes are treated with respect and reverence.
Transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary people who flee searching for safety from Africa, Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean are escaping hunger, poverty, crime, and war — only to face more transphobia, religious persecution, and misogyny.
Forced migration is violent. Forced migration is violent. The colonization and genocide of Indigenous people and the enslavement of Black indigenous people of Africa to enrich the coffers of the Western Europe and the United States are examples of forced migration and a pattern of violent Western imperialism that has robbed us of our land and culture around the world. When we are displaced from our communities and seek a new home to find belonging, we are caged, criminalized, and abused.
A home is the difference between surviving and thriving and we all have a right to thrive, to live full lives. Sza Sza Codner is a Jamaican trans woman who has been detained for several years at Aurora Contract Detention Facility where others have tested positive for COVID-19. Sza Sza belongs at home, not in a cage. Sza Sza is perhaps the longest-detained trans migrant in the US. She has been ferried from one immigrant prison to another, subjected to solitary confinement, targeted and harassed by guards, placed in men's facilities, among other atrocities.

Help end Sza Sza's indefinite detention and make it possible for her to live the life of dignity and safety she deserves.
Take action now by calling the detention center at 720-873-2899 and using this script:
“Hi, my name is ______ and I am calling to ask you to release Jennifer Conner (A#095130504) to her family in Philadelphia. The Aurora Contract Detention Facility is not safe for a 54-year-old Black transgender woman, especially during a global pandemic. Will you help end her indefinite detention in immigrant prison?”
Towards liberation,
Micky and the TLC team