October 21, 2020
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October 20, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. This film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

October 20, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

October 20, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Deaths from the China virus number more than 1 million worldwide. Deaths from abortion worldwide number 1 billion. Interestingly, the China virus problem has been used in many states to shut down churches and keep abortion clinics open as "essential businesses." In effect, the China virus serves as a cover for mass murder and Christian persecution.... (more)

October 20, 2020
NEWSMAX TV ? TOTALLY BUSTED: Greg Kelly says the evidence on Hunter Biden's laptop is unmistakable: Joe Biden is a career corrupt politician and he's had a big assist from his son Hunter. Donald Trump is correct in calling the Bidens' behavior "criminal activity." Says Greg, "It's pretty cut and dried." MUST SEE.... (more)

October 20, 2020
DAILY WIRE ? President Donald Trump's campaign is set to air a new lineup of ads targeting Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden on a variety of issues ranging from policy to the growing controversy he is facing regarding his son.... (more)

October 20, 2020
Media 'want to sink the story with innuendo rather than actually report on it'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Pushing back on the establishment media's dismissal of the New York Post's reporting on Hunter Biden's emails as "unverified," the paper's editors laid out the facts in an editorial. The board said Sunday night it's "particularly rich that The New York Times has fixated on the 'unverified' excuse, since it's spent much of the Trump era offering supposed dirt from anonymous sources – which, by definition, makes the info unverifiable."... (more)

October 20, 2020
NEWSMAX ? There is no evidence to suggest that Russia had anything to do with Hunter Biden's laptop and the scandalous information contained on it, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said. Ratcliffe was on Fox Business Network's "Mornings with Maria" Monday and discussed allegations from Democrats that information purportedly on the laptop, which had emails that appear to link the Bidens, including Joe Biden, to China and the Ukraine, could have come from Russia.... (more)

October 20, 2020
WESTERN JOURNAL ? Liberal Twitter has spoken, and it wants the head of the #RedMaskLady. On conservative Twitter, meanwhile, she's a new star. Who is #RedMaskLady, you may ask? That's the nickname that's being given to a woman who sat behind President Donald Trump during his Thursday town hall on NBC and fervently agreed with what he was saying, nodding along as he made many of his points.... (more)

October 18, 2020
NATIONAL REVIEW ? The polling aggregator on the website RealClearPolitics shows the margin in polls led by Joe Biden in a blue font and the ones led by Donald Trump in red. For a while, the battleground states have tended to be uniformly blue, except for polls conducted by the Trafalgar Group.... (more)

October 18, 2020
NATIONAL REVIEW ? Our health-care system is experiencing rapid, powerful change, far more consequential than is generally recognized. Although these changes are welcomed by many in the health-policy community (see our assessment a year ago), even those who applaud them have been surprised at their speed and impact.... (more)

October 18, 2020
NEWSMAX TV ? "You heard of those town halls on the mainstream news last night? I call them the town 'gall.' The nerve of the networks, ABC and NBC. A disaster, really." Greg Kelly analyzes the ridiculous, inept "town halls" sponsored by ABC and NBC of the 2020 presidential race between President Donald Trump and "Geriatric Joe" Biden.... (more)

October 18, 2020
Last debate scheduled for Thurs., Oct. 22
NEWSMAX ? For those looking for balance and fairness from the second, and final, presidential debate they might not expect it from the handpicked NBC News White House correspondent Kristen Welker. President Donald Trump rebuked Welker as a "never Trumper" in an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV's "Greg Kelly Reports" this week.... (more)

October 16, 2020
FOX NEWS ? House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on Friday described revelations from a slew of emails in a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden as being part of a Russia-backed smear campaign.... (more)

October 16, 2020
YOUTUBE ? On Saturday, Oct. 17, President Donald Trump held an outdoor campaign rally in Janesville, Wisconsin, before an enthusiastic crowd of supporters.... (more)

October 16, 2020
STEPHEN STONE ? The Utah Democratic Party, with help from local and national media, is seeking to prevent President Trump's re-election, as well as the election of Burgess Owens to Congress, through fear tactics that center in an imaginary "Trump plan" to restart nuclear testing in the Western United States.... (more)

October 16, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? If President Trump wins the November election, it will be a miracle. But miracles happen. Former Trump Campaign Deputy Chairman Rick Gates says the "Trump Factor" could be even bigger this year and the projected "Blue Wave" could end up in ruins.... (more)

October 14, 2020
BARBARA KRALIS ? Like the mythological bird from paradise, Donald Trump helped America rise again and then again, against all odds, during his first four years in office – just like the Phoenix, which could be reborn over and over and over again.... (more)

October 14, 2020
Nearly all questions were ?gotcha? traps, or ?why do you beat your wife??
YOUTUBE ? "TODAY" anchor Savannah Guthrie hosted a live discussion with President Donald Trump in an NBC News town hall event in Miami on Thursday that resembled the First Presidential Debate, but without Biden in the way of Chris Wallace. Truly disgraceful that the left has no sense of fairness or decorum.... (more)

October 14, 2020
Joe & Hunter, Bill Barr dragging feet, who will replace Trump as GOP leader down the road, and more
YOUTUBE ? Greg Kelly interviewed President Donald Trump on Newsmax TV's "Greg Kelly Reports" Oct. 14. They discussed a range of issues, from the latest revelations about Biden's knowledge of Hunter Biden's lucrative foreign business dealings, the president's frustrations with Attorney General Bill Barr, and the future of the GOP.... (more)

October 14, 2020
Throttles distribution of smoking-gun email before 'independent fact check'
ART MOORE ? Facebook has throttled distribution of a bombshell New York Post report Wednesday contradicting Joe Biden's claim that he knew nothing about his son Hunter Biden's lucrative deal with a corrupt Ukrainian firm while the former vice president was overseeing Ukraine policy.... (more)

October 14, 2020
?The great imitator?: Video of Biden?s career exposes him as habitual fraud
FACEBOOK ? MUST SEE: An old video from the 1980's shows Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to be a huckster and a faker who has succeeded in politics largely by pretending to be someone he's not. The video--which features clips of Sam Donaldson, Dan Rather, Ted Koppel, Leslie Stahl, John McLaughlin, and other media names--exposes Biden as a habitual fraud and plagiarizer who can't be trusted to tell the truth: "These clips are devastating. He looks like a Joe Biden wind-up doll with somebody else's words coming out," commented McLaughlin associate Eleanor Clift.... (more)

October 14, 2020
Democrats again continued to amplify their worries that the Supreme Court nominee would vote to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
FOX NEWS ? Judge Amy Coney Barrett defended her judicial independence and promised impartiality on day three of her Supreme Court confirmation hearings while continuing to avoid Democrats' pointed questions on matters of opinion.... (more)

October 13, 2020
'Deadly, deathful fear of what this country faces if Trump loses' (Scroll down for VIDEO)
WORLDNETDAILY ? If there's one video Americans need to watch before voting in the 2020 presidential race, this is it, says talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh. It features Thomas Klingenstein, the chairman of the board of the Claremont Institute, Limbaugh said Tuesday of the 17-minute video.... (more)

October 13, 2020
Improbable as it often seems, and whatever his failings, in this election Donald Trump is the candidate of honesty, competence, and legality
CONRAD BLACK ? The election campaign, now finally approaching its climax, will long be studied because of the paradoxical reactions of American public opinion to an astonishing series of events and revelations.... (more)

October 13, 2020
Barrett cited the "Ginsburg rule? in refusing to engage in hypotheticals
FOX NEWS ? Day two of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court confirmation hearings wrapped up Tuesday evening, ending a marathon session in which Democrats pressed the judge on her positions on matters such as abortion and gay rights, as Barrett repeatedly demurred, citing the "'Ginsburg rule" in refusing to engage in hypotheticals. Here are six key moments from day two of Barrett's hearing:... (more)

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