October 2020
  • Cameron Peak Fire: 205,004 and 51% contained.
  • Mandatory evacuations are still in place.
  • The focus will remain on completing containment objectives on the southeast corner and around the spot fire.
  • Damage assessments in process.
  • Calwood Fire: 9,365 acres and 17% contained. 
  • Crews are conducting structure protection operations.
  • Mandatory evacuations are still in place.
  • Damage assessments are in process.
  • Lefthand Fire: 470 acres and 4% contained.
  • Very active fire behavior.
  • East Troublesome Fire: 15,546 acres and 10% contained.
  • Mandatory evacuations in place.
  • Ice Fire: In San Juan County near Silverton. 320 acres.
  • Several hikers evacuated by helicopter during initial response.
  • Fire is highly visible from Highway 550.

In August, Dan Gibbs, Executive Director at the Department of Natural Resources, gave Coloradans a firsthand account of what it was like to fight on the front lines of the Grizzly Creek Fire. Director Gibbs has been a Type II wildland firefighter for thirteen years. This last Saturday, he was called to help fight the Cameron Peak Fire northeast of Estes Park, in Division X (the southeast part of the fire). He is currently working with a US Forest Service Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest wildfire initial attack team, doing structure protection.

The State of Colorado is thankful for the efforts of Director Gibbs and all the other [Coloradans and visiting firefighters on the front lines] men and women who are on the front lines [fighting] of the multiple fires around the state. These folks are working day and night to contain these fires, risking their own lives and spending countless hours away from their families to protect local communities. 

[Remember that the danger these fires pose stretch far beyond the blazes themselves. If you are experiencing respiratory symptoms due to smoky conditions, visit covid19.colorado.gov/testing to make a plan to get tested. 
Governor Polis was joined today by Dr. Rachel Herlihy, Colorado’s lead epidemiologist, Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Executive Director of CDPHE, and Kate Greenberg, Colorado’s Commissioner of Agriculture, to provide an update on the State’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Dr. Herlihy shared the latest COVID-19 modeling data; addressed the increase Colorado has seen in hospitalization trends, ICU capacity trends, and overall case rates; and recent research on the effective reproductive numbers of the virus. Dr. Herlihy also outlined possible projections as Colorado takes on the most recent wave, which is comparable if not further reaching than those of last Spring and July.

Concerning trends that the state has been observed, warning Coloradans about over the last couple weeks, are unfortunately, continuing. Cases continue to increase, hospitalizations rates continue to mount, and neither trajectory seems to be changing. 

The rate of positive COVID-19 tests per 100,000 people has climbed to 6.24%. 5% is the minimum threshold that experts agree should determine whether communities loosen restrictions. According to the World Health Organization, governments should not reopen until positive test rates are below 5% for at least two weeks. Thus, as hospitalizations continue to increase, it will be increasingly important to take actions like getting the flu shot in order to keep hospital beds open for COVID-19 response.

These numbers underscore the ongoing and increased responsibility of Coloradans to follow coronavirus restrictions and make a concentrated effort to get the state back on track to conquer this virus. If transmission control practices relax during the upcoming holiday season (as they did during the 4th of July and Labor Day holidays), the consequences will be dire. Coloradans will need to be extra vigilant in following coronavirus guidance over the coming weeks to ensure that we can maintain safe virus levels through Thanksgiving.  

We cannot be complacent. The status quo is simply not acceptable. 

The Governor knows that Coloradans are all tired of this virus, but as he has said before, this virus is not tired of us. The state only has a short window of time to get this back under control, and it’s up to each and every one of us to do our part to make that happen. 
Back in September, the Governor unveiled the Dial Framework tool to further provide transparency, clarity, and predictability for Coloradans and local government officials as they work to protect themselves and reopen their economies.

At that meeting, Director Ryan explained the practical impacts of the tool in allowing for a more locally tailored response to COVID-19. 

This tool provides a real-time, visual representation of a community’s success in containing the spread of COVID-19, and allows each region to tailor their response to the pandemic based on their circumstances. Counties are able to transition between the five dial levels (Protect Our Neighbors, Safer at Home: Cautious, Safer at Home: Concern, Safer at Home: High-Risk, and Stay at Home) by working in tandem with the state. 

A recent example of this was Boulder County’s quick response to its recent local outbreak, implementing short-term and immediate restrictions and guidelines that ultimately decreased their numbers from around 150 cases a day to 30 cases a day. This local response has been proven to be effective, and Arapahoe, Denver, and Adams counties are now moving to control the virus in a similar fashion.

As case numbers rise, and municipalities like Denver, Adams, and Arapahoe Counties implement tighter restrictions, the Governor addressed some questions about how the state is working to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and whether statewide action is necessary. The Governor stated that getting this virus under control requires strong partnerships between the state and local agencies and officials. The state has been working closely with local governments from the very beginning, ensuring they have the resources they need to take the necessary steps to control outbreaks and limit transmission to within their region.

Ski resort towns like Aspen and Breckenridge have orders in place that require anyone to wear a mask when they are in a “mask zone”--no matter if they are indoors, outdoors, with other people, you name it. When you are in the zone, you need to wear a mask!

If Coloradans are able to contain the virus locally, broad, statewide actions can be avoided. 

But to be clear: If statewide action is needed to change course and slow the spread of this virus, the Governor will not hesitate to implement further restrictions to protect the health and safety of Coloradans

It’s up to each and every one of us to get back to doing what is proven to work: washing hands frequently, wearing a mask, avoiding large groups and limiting social interactions, and physically distancing from others. 
Now more than ever, Coloradans need to do their part to fight this virus. Today, the Governor re-emphasized the importance of taking personal responsibility in limiting viral spread.

Colorado is doing better than other states thanks to all of you at home, but the state has to do better. 

That’s why the Governor today was excited to announce a new partnership with CDPHE to launch a statewide media campaign called “Step Up, Colorado” in English, and “Echale Ganas, Colorado” in Spanish. This campaign emphasizes the importance of Coloradans wearing their masks and keeping their distance whenever they are around others. 

Every Coloradan can be doing more to protect each other and slow the spread of this virus. For example, one of the most common reasons Coloradans reported for not keeping at least six feet between themselves and others was not having symptoms of the virus, such as a cough or fever. However, everyone should know that it is common to spread the virus before ever developing symptoms, and asymptomatic cases are common. 

The campaign launches on digital and social media platforms today, and expands into television, radio, and retail settings over the next few weeks. A CARES Act-funded initiative, “Step Up, Colorado” will run statewide through December 30. 

This campaign would not have been made possible without the involvement of more than 60 community influencers throughout the state. The administration is tapping into stakeholders across Colorado to build an effective campaign that showcases Colorado’s diversity and strength, along with the sacrifices Coloradans have made to fight this devastating disease. 

The state is grateful to Idea Marketing for all their work getting this campaign off the ground. Idea is a minority owned company that specializes in hard to reach communities. Special thanks are also in order to Jill Ryan, CDPHE Executive Director, and Alison Reidmohr, CDPHE Deputy Communications Director, for dedicating an immense amount of time to this very important campaign.  

The administration invites all of you to “step up” today--help spread the word and encourage all Coloradans to protect each other from COVID-19. Influencers are sharing messages to promote the campaign statewide, and we know you are also an influencer in your community. Step Up’s social press kit contains templates for messages you can share to your preferred platform with the touch of a button. Why do you “step up” to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our state?

Additionally, CDPHE and Governor Polis will be sharing campaign messages directly on social media. Everyone is encouraged to like and share campaign messages from both accounts.  

Please direct social press kit questions to Sandra Felix at [email protected].
Part of stepping up means continuing to support Colorado ranchers and farmers who are working harder than ever since the pandemic started to supply our state. Today, Colorado’s Agricultural Commissioner Kate Greenberg discussed some of the Department of Agriculture’s efforts and shared some exciting news: the department has introduced a plan to distribute $1M of grant funding allocated by the Governor from the CARES Act to The Colorado Farm & Food System’s Respond and Rebuild Fund. These grants will help fill important gaps in federal aid and support different levels of production and food distribution in the state. 

This funding is especially opportune for farmers and ranchers across the state, and the administration wants to ensure all those eligible can apply. Please visit the Department of Agriculture’s website at colorado.gov/ag to learn more about this opportunity and fill out an application. Applications close on November 9.