
I know firsthand the positive impact that public schools can have on students. My mom was an elementary school teacher, and I attended public schools my whole life, all the way through medical school. Now, my son attends our neighborhood's public school.

But with a Department of Education that won't stand up for students' rights, it's getting harder each year for public school teachers to help create a path for every child to succeed.

Instead of fighting for our students, Donald Trump's Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, has backed Trump's plan to cut education spending by $8.5 billion in 2020 -- while also pushing to invest $50 billion in private school vouchers. Make no mistake. This is a transfer of money from public schools to private, for-profit schools. It guts public education and channels those dollars to schools that, time and again, underperform our public schools.

As students across the country head back to school, we must come together and demand the prioritization of our students' futures again. Add your name now.

Growing up, education was always a priority in my house. I was lucky in that way -- but luck isn't enough. Every single student, regardless of where they live or their family's socioeconomic status, deserves access to quality public education. This is a fundamental American value.

Now, as a member of the Education and Labor Committee in Congress, I've been able to work on the issues that affect children and working families, from early childhood education to affordable post-secondary education options.

But we've still got a long way to go until every child in this country has access to a good education. So please, add your name now to join me in demanding the Department of Education put our students first.

Thank you,

Dr. Kim Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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