14 Days Until Voting Ends. All Donations 3X-MATCHED! PFAW Member -- The Cook Political Report just officially rated the South Carolina Senate race a "toss up" ... and polling has Democrat Jaime Harrison BEATING Lindsey Graham by 1%!!! If we can defeat Graham and flip this seat, there’s no doubt that we WILL flip control of the U.S Senate and finally END Mitch McConnell’s majority! That’s why we’re 300%-MATCHING all donations to keep our ads running and mobilize South Carolina voters. Chip in anything you can right now to defeat Lindsey Graham and Take Back the Senate!>> Not many people thought that this would turn out to be one of 2020’s most competitive Senate races. But we now have the chance to defeat one of Trump’s most loyal and dangerous allies. And RIGHT NOW, as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Graham is leading the charge to RAM THROUGH confirmation of Trump’s unpopular Supreme Court nominee, showing us exactly why it is so incredibly urgent that we vote him out of the Senate. Graham even forced the first committee vote on Amy Coney Barrett BEFORE THE HEARINGS HAD ENDED and well before answers are due from the nominee to members of the committee on a crucial questionnaire! All to help Mitch McConnell get a rushed Senate vote on Trump’s nominee as soon as this Monday! This norm-breaking assault on the Supreme Court and the Senate is reckless and irresponsible. Supreme Court nominees sit on the bench for life and decide issues that are the difference between life and death for millions of Americans – they should be properly vetted, they should be expected to disclose information about their records fully and honestly, and they should NOT be rushed through while voting in the next national election is currently under way. Are you ready to hold Graham accountable with a 3X-MATCHED donation to defeat him and flip control of the Senate? Thank you for everything. -- PFAW’s Take Back the Senate Team