Two weeks until Elections




Hi John,

We know that the decisions made by our elected officials at the local level impact our everyday life. Emerge NM is celebrating the 64 Emerge women who have stepped up during these unpresidented times and put themselves on the ballot in November. These women represent the best parts of our country. They are teachers and professors, business professionals and lawyers, activists and organizers. But more importantly, they are leaders. Leaders standing with their communities, not above them. Leaders on the frontlines of the fight for equity and justice. And soon, leaders in the Roundhouse, in courtrooms, in municipal and county governments, and leaders in the halls of Congress.

Whether running for the first time or for re-election, the actions of these 64 Emergistas are already shaping the future of our communities, our state, and our nation. 

We are committed to empowering Democratic women leaders to run and win at every level of office because as we change the face of politics, we will secure a fairer and more equitable future for us and for future generations.

Will you join our movement to grow the pipeline of smart, compassionate women leaders by contributing $20 today? This year has revealed to the world what we've known all along - we need women leaders in office NOW.




Empowering Democratic women to run - and win!


Paid for by Emerge New Mexico 

500 Marquette Ave. NW Suite 280 

Albuquerque, NM 87102

Contributions to Emerge NM are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Emerge NM is a 527 political organization and not a PAC. Emerge NM does not endorse candidates and does not make contributions to, or coordinate its spending with, any candidates or political parties.

Applications for the Class of 2021 are now open!

To apply click on the button👇  below