Dear Friends-

The DNC War Room released the new television ad, “Infecting Us,” that appeared exclusively on The Rachel Maddow Show. Maddow has praised the ad as being “newsworthy.” 

Infections are rising across our country with more than 20 states hitting record highs for new cases and more than half of states in the “red zone” for new cases. Instead of getting the virus under control, Trump is embracing a fringe “herd immunity” approach that could cause millions of unnecessary deaths.

Trump is viciously attacking Dr. Fauci and he has sidelined other experts on his coronavirus task force, instead pushing dangerous lies from his unqualified Fox News adviser. More than 1,000 current and former CDC officers have criticized the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic.

So the ad is not an attack on Trump, but a searing assessment of how Trump has failed to put the country’s needs above his own. He has no plans to get his health crisis under control, he continues to hold superspreader events, he walked away from stimulus talks, and he is responsible for this unprecedented economic calamity. 

Instead of working to get relief to Americans struggling through his pandemic crisis and recession, Trump abandoned relief negotiations that would have helped small businesses, schools, struggling families, and unemployed workers — and saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. Trump admitted he is delaying relief to working Americans for political reasons. And Trump’s chief economic adviser admitted Trump is rushing a Supreme Court confirmation instead of getting relief for working Americans.

With just 14 days until Election Day, I ask that you share this short ad across your social networks.

Yours in the Fight,





October 19, 2020


The DNC War Room released a new television ad today, “Infecting Us,” that hits Trump for holding in-person superspreader campaign rallies that threaten to worsen the spread of coronavirus in states across the country instead of coming up with a plan to slow the spread of the virus and save lives. 

“Across the country, Americans are suffering as coronavirus cases surge for a third time — but to Trump, it’s as if the pandemic doesn’t exist,” said DNC War Room Spokesperson Sarah Peck. “Every day, more and more families lose their livelihoods or a loved one because of Trump’s failure to combat COVID, and yet he’s dancing at his superspreader events instead of making a plan to contain the spread. The American people want a president who will protect us from the coronavirus, not one whose reckless behavior threatens to infect even more of us.”
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