Hello, we're emailing to ask you for $5.

Here's why: At the start of 2019, nobody thought a Democrat could take on Mitch McConnell and win. He was the most powerful man in Washington – backed by Big Oil, Big Pharma, Wall Street, the NRA, and Republican Super PACs spending over $16 million to support him.

But then donations from grassroots Democrats like you started pouring in to support Amy McGrath.

As our fundraising totals started climbing, political experts got on board. Analysts at The Washington Post say that Kentucky's Senate seat is “competitive” and "could flip," and even elections expert Nate Silver said Amy McGrath had a shot.

And then the unimaginable happened: New polls out of Kentucky show Democrat Amy McGrath TIED with McConnell. One poll even showed Amy AHEAD of Mitch!

What we're witnessing is a seismic shift: We're closer than ever to sending Mitch McConnell packing and taking away his precious Republican majority. But we're not there yet!

Over 700,000 Kentucky voters have already cast their ballots, so we're running out of time to help Amy send Mitch packing. We urgently need to raise $85,000 before midnight tonight to launch our final TV ads, but at last count, we are still over $27,816 short.

We have a chance to pull off the biggest political upsets in politics, but we need grassroots donors like you to give now: Please, will you rush $5 or more right now (before our critical deadline at midnight!) to help Amy McGrath defeat Mitch McConnell and take back the Senate for Democrats?

Thank you so much,

The Ditch Mitch Fund