From Brian Derrick <[email protected]>
Subject This could spell disaster:
Date October 20, 2020 10:04 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

There's so much going on, and I'll be honest, I'm getting anxious:

As of today, there are only two weeks left until Election Day.

Outside groups are making a six-figure push in New Jersey to "pummel freshman Democrats" like Mikie.

Recently, we saw contributions slowing down.

With so little time left until Election Day, that could spell disaster for our voter outreach efforts just as we reach a critical moment in the election.

But I have great news: We've seen a big uptick in contributions ever since we opened our NJ-11 Match. We can't afford to slow down now -- if you can, chip in now and your contribution will be DOUBLED.

Thanks and talk soon,


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