NIJC's class action lawsuit delivers justice to thousands of immigrants.

October 20, 2020



L.A. county settles historic immigrant detention lawsuit

Los Angeles County settled a $14 million class action lawsuit impacting more than 18,500 immigrants who were unlawfully detained through U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement holds, also known as "detainers." The settlement marks the end of a lawsuit the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) and our partners filed more than eight years ago. Read more.

IN THE NEWS: The Washington Post covered the victory and quoted NIJC's Mark Fleming in its report.



Young asylee & new Chicagoan tells story

Abu, who is just 19 years old, won asylum in the United States after fleeing death threats in his native country in West Africa because of his political activism. Like many asylum seekers, his path to safety and a new life was long and treacherous. He is now living at Viator House of Hospitality in the Chicago suburbs, a community-based program that's an alternative to detention. The Daily Herald spoke to him and his NIJC attorney Daniela Velez for a feature. Read Abu's story in The Daily Herald.


The safety of sanctuary cities

Policies of detention and deportation make our communities less safe, while policies of welcoming and inclusion enhance everyone’s safety. Communities that welcome immigrants know this and extensive research proves it too. Despite the facts, the Trump administration continues to attack sanctuary cities. Read more on NIJC's blog.



Mass surveillance expansion is discriminatory and dangerous

The Trump administration is planning to dramatically expand government surveillance over immigrants and U.S. citizens sponsoring immigrants for lawful status. This will have grave consequences, is totally unjustified, and will risk people's lives. See more.



TAKE ACTION: Send a comment to protect due process for asylum seekers!

Send a comment to oppose a new rule that would strip due process rights from countless asylum seekers! By law, the Trump administration is required to accept comments from the public about regulations before they go into effect. We only have until this Friday, October 23rd to express our outrage and protect the right to asylum in immigration court. Use our click-to-comment action page and template that makes it quick and easy to submit your comment. Send your comment now!


We're hiring!

NIJC is looking for passionate and talented professionals to join our team providing life-changing legal services and advocating for humane immigration policies. We have open jobs based in Chicago and Goshen, Indiana in a variety of projects and for a variety of experience levels. Check out our open positions and apply now!


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