This brief looks at variation across states in prescription rates for buprenorphine maintenance treatment (BMT) from 2011 to 2018. Estimates of prescriptions for treatment per Medicaid enrollee show that many states’ Medicaid programs have per enrollee BMT rates that may be falling short of meeting underlying needs.
Unhealthy alcohol and drug use is especially problematic among parents because of its effects on children. We find considerable scope for health care providers to increase screening, brief intervention, and treatment services.
Equitably addressing gaps in community-based services, better following existing guidelines and protocols, and making treatment programs more available and family friendly could make a huge difference for many parents with a substance use disorder and their children.
These 10 policy options would help Maine leverage Medicaid funding and other federal financing opportunities to provide comprehensive treatment and recovery supports to low-income Mainers with opioid and substance use disorders.