Tune in at 5:30 PM EDT today.
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Time for the final push!
Tune in today at 5:30 PM EDT

Overwhelmed? Don't stress. This is a critical election, and you still have time to be an #OctoberVoter. And we have your back!

Activists and experts are here to answer your questions about making a plan to vote early — and safely — before Election Day. All you have to do is tune in to Turn Up Tuesday, our Facebook live series, at 5:30 PM EDT today.

Remember, every state is different, and things change, so even if you've voted before, it's important to look up your local rules so that you show up to the polls prepared.

Let's do this — together.

— The Leadership Conference

P.S. Be sure to catch our latest updates and get alerts to your mobile device so you can take swift action. Text "civil rights" to 40649 to sign up today.
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Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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