By R. David Ranson (Hartford Courant, 10/11/20)

Pundits on both sides of the aisle have been too focused on the U.S. economy’s vulnerability and not focused enough on its resilience. It’s clear from perhaps the nation’s most reliable short-term forecasting model that a surge of economic growth could soon make the COVID-19 recession history. READ MORE »
By David J. Teece (The New York Times, 10/5/20)

Under President Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party has been building the technological prowess to coerce and conquer rival foreign companies, even when democracy stands in the way. Multinational corporations should continue to trade with China, but their board members and executive leaders must speak out, even if Chinese authorities respond by imposing short-term costs. READ MORE »
By Jonathan Hofer (The Orange County Register, 10/7/20)

While not perfect, California’s privacy protections are among the best in the nation. A measure on the November ballot would create huge exemptions, weaken the “right to be forgotten” provision of the state’s 2018 privacy law, and create a $10 million-per-year state bureaucracy. READ MORE »
By John C. Goodman (Forbes, 9/30/20)

People with a serious health problem often face worse options when they enter the individual insurance market than they did before Obamacare. To make things better for those with pre-existing conditions, Congress and the administration should make open enrollment continuous, allow health plans to specialize in chronic diseases, permit actuarilly fair premiums, let states impose a premium tax to fund high-cost patients, expand Health Savings Accounts for the chronically ill, and prevent health plans from dumping costs on each other. READ MORE »
By Robert P. Murphy (, 9/12/20)

Nobel laureate economist F. A. Hayek argued that, if only government obstacles were removed, the free market would provide the optimal quantity and variety of monetary products. Whether sound or flawed, Hayek’s plan for private money is an outstanding example of a bold policy idea that can sharpen one’s thinking. READ MORE »
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