The value of giving and receiving feedback, plus does educational compatibility matter?
I Want Honest Feedback — But Not Really
Lisa Anderson |
It’s considered mature and forward-thinking to ask for feedback. But I have no idea who’s actually doing it, because it’s sure not me or my friends. |
James Clapper | Project Admin
I’m impressed. Many of you on Instagram indicated that you feel pretty good about receiving feedback. Though, let’s be honest, as helpful as feedback may be, it’s not always fun to receive. Truly receiving feedback means actively listening, self-reflecting, acknowledging imperfections and then being self-disciplined enough to change. None of these things are easy to do alone, so doing them all together can be extremely difficult, but it is definitely worth it. Be sure to check out Lisa’s article and let us know what you do with the feedback you receive! |
Finding Family at the Table
Bri McKoy |
I once equated singleness with loneliness. Then I discovered the power of the table. |
Women and Work
Carolyn McCulley |
Women tend to feel the struggle of untangling the modern conflicts of life, love and labor most keenly, but ultimately this issue affects everyone. |
The Many Faces of Depression
Matt Stickel |
Most suicides aren’t planned in advance. The deadly decision is made in the blink of an eye. Trust me, I know. |
How to Find a Life Coach
T.J. Neathery |
They know you, they encourage the development of your skills and passions, and then they help you achieve your life goals. |
Becket Cook Doesn’t Miss Being Gay
Suzanne Hadley Gosselin |
“I don’t identify by my sexuality. I’m a follower of Christ who has a lot of struggles, including same-sex attraction.” |