Dear John,
Thank you for joining Best for Britain! We're committed to fighting this Brexit mess. The best way out of the Brexit chaos is for the people to be given the choice. And if it's to be a real choice it has to include the option to stay in Europe.
Best for Britain is growing. Hundreds of thousands of people are coming together to say - it doesn't matter how any of us voted in 2016, we need to have the final say on Brexit now.
The government's miserable compromise Brexit deal would leave us all poorer. It doesn't resolve the hard questions about the Northern Irish border and it doesn't give businesses the certainty or the ability to trade across borders that they need. There is no type of Brexit that gives us the same benefits as our current deal.
Thank you for joining us. Thank you for standing up for what's Best for Britain.
Best wishes,
The Team at Best for Britain
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