A recent FiveThirtyEight poll found that 69% of voters believe that Kamala Harris won the vice presidential debate -- and that Harris’s performance provided a significant boost in voter excitement with just a couple of weeks to go before the election.
Kamala Harris, a pioneer for women in politics, is poised to make history as the first woman vice president to be elected to the White House. Throughout this election cycle, we have witnessed Harris use her strong background as a prosecutor to make the case against the worst of Donald Trump’s presidential failures, highlight Biden-Harris policy plans to move our country forward, and assert her role as a woman in politics with just a few simple, powerful words: “Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking.” 
We know that Kamala Harris has proven herself to be a capable leader who will work to restore our values and improve the lives of everyday Americans. But as MSNBC reports, “It’s clear that many Americans still harbor misogyny and fear at the idea of a woman in power, and the Republicans are trying to play on that by portraying Harris as inept, incapable… a courtesan and, ridiculously, smug.” The Trump campaign is hoping these false portrayals will swing voters towards the GOP -- and that’s why today, we need to know where voters like you stand on the first woman vice-presidential nominee: 
Will you vote to elect Kamala Harris in November?
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-A Woman’s Place

A Woman's Place PAC
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