From Voto Latino <[email protected]>
Subject We have the power.
Date October 20, 2020 2:48 PM
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The 'untouched mass power' of Latino voters could be the secret to a Biden victory
-- The Guardian, 10/13/2020

Chip in $3 to mobilize a Latinx voter!

>>> [link removed]

John --

Did you know? Latinx voters are poised to be the second-largest voting bloc in 2020 for the first time in electoral history this November. That means we have the power to determine the outcome of this election and the direction of our country -- if we vote.

It costs Voto Latino just $3 to mobilize a voter -- so will you chip in $3 right now to get one more voter to cast a ballot?

>>> [link removed]

Our voting power is especially strong in key battleground states like Florida, Texas, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. Latinos make up more than 20% of voters in each of these critical states except for Pennsylvania. But in Pennsylvania, Trump won by less than one percentage point in 2016. That’s a gap Latinx voters can easily close as more than 5% of the state’s electorate. But again -- only if we vote!

Friends, this election means more than any other in our lifetimes, and we’re working harder than we ever have in our lifetimes to turn out all the voters we need to win it. But we can’t do it without your support.

Will you please pitch in right now to help us turn out a record number of Latino voters in this election? Every $3 lets us reach one more voter!

$3 = Mobilize One Voter >>> [link removed]
$6 = Mobilize Two Voters >>> [link removed]
$12 = Mobilize Four Voters >>> [link removed]
$24 = Mobilize Eight Voters >>> [link removed]
$48 = Mobilize Sixteen Voters >>> [link removed]

Thank you so much,

Your friends at Voto Latino
Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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  • Sender: Vote Latino
  • Political Party: n/a
  • Country: United States
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  • Email Providers:
    • EveryAction