
We’re getting down to the wire here in Iowa and we need your help to get us across the finish line. We’re working around the clock to turn out voters and protect every Iowan’s right to vote.

But we can’t turn Iowa blue without you, friend -- can you join our call TODAY to learn how you can make the biggest impact during these last few weeks before Election Day?

The more folks we have making calls, helping our Voter Protection teams, and galvanizing their friends and family into action, the closer we get to electing Joe Biden, Theresa Greenfield, and Democrats up and down the ticket.


Event Details

Tuesday, October 20

5pm, 6pm, 7pm CDT

After you’ve RSVP’d make sure you forward this to three friends -- we need everyone we can to help us turn Iowa blue.

See you soon!

-- Team Battleground Iowa




Paid for by the Iowa Democratic Party.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee
Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
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