Now more than ever, we need your support.
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Dear Friend,
I hope my message finds you and your loved ones well.
2020 certainly has been a year that none of us will ever forget. I’m pleased to be able to report, however, that though we temporarily closed our building in March because of the pandemic, the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate did not slow down. We were able to pivot from in-person programming to a virtual platform as we continued to reach thousands of visitors. Our mission to educate our citizens about the workings of our government, encourage citizen participation in our democracy, invigorate civil discourse and inspire the next generation of leaders has never been more urgent or more relevant.
Indeed, the myriad challenges of the pandemic and issues raised on the economy, health care, racial justice, and the environment, among others, have brought into even sharper relief the importance of the work we do. Understanding the workings of our government and being involved and active citizens are the keys to protecting and nurturing our democracy.
Here are just a few important highlights of our work this year:
We support everyone’s constitutional right to vote.
The Institute recently launched ([link removed]) , a comprehensive and permanent online resource for informing, engaging, and educating the American public on the importance and fundamental right of voting.
We are at the forefront of virtual civic education.
Through online resources like Today’s Vote in the Classroom ([link removed]) , the Institute helps teachers simulate the legislative process and examine real legislation in their middle and high school classrooms.
We are recognized for convening and leading significant, national-scale conversations.
For instance, there were more than 2,000 registrants for our recent online program with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer ([link removed]) . Justice Breyer, in an interview by NBC legal analyst and host Ari Melber, shared how the Supreme Court provides checks and balances on the executive and legislative branches of government, how elections impact who is nominated to the bench, and highlights of the Supreme Court’s important recent rulings.
This work would not be possible without the support of you and others who are committed to advancing civic education and building a stronger society.
I know these are challenging times for us all, but I am asking that you please make a gift today of $25 or an amount that is right for you. Your contribution will be put to work immediately, keeping the Institute positioned to deliver during this critically important time.
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We are beginning to open our doors to the public again, with advance reservations and all appropriate health measures in place. We also will continue to expand our robust online offerings. Your financial support is key to our ability to continue to do this important work.
With great appreciation,
Victoria Reggie Kennedy
Co-Founder and President of the Board
P.S. With the federal and state elections occurring in less than a month, the work of the Kennedy Institute has never been more important. We need your ongoing support ([link removed]) to make this all possible.
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Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate . 210 William T Morrissey Blvd . Columbia Point . Boston, MA 02125-3314 . USA