The fingerprints of George Soros are on virtually every far-Left project

A message from our sponsor

Meet one of the most dangerously influential people in America today.

Billionaire radical George Soros has plans to remake America in his own godless image.  Photo by Stephan Röhl

It seems like anarchy has descended upon virtually every aspect of American life. And yet there is a vital thread holding it all together: an enormous flow of funding coming from radical Leftist billionaire George Soros, among others.

An atheist, Soros, has poured billions of dollars into everything freedom-loving Americans stand against—destroying our nation by bringing utter chaos to society.

In this pivotal and tumultuous year in our nation, this special program from D. James Kennedy Ministries takes a rare look at this mysterious figure and the effect he has on our country—and your life.

Can he be stopped? If so, how? Learn more in this must-see video.

Watch the video



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