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The head of the national schools inspectorate has told Britain's strictly Orthodox Jewish community that there is nothing more she can do to be flexible, in
an interview about sex and relationship education.
The most senior police officer on duty before the Manchester Arena attack had taken an "unacceptable" two-hour break before the bombing, the inquiry heard.
French police have raided the homes of dozens of suspected Islamic radicals following the beheading of a teacher who showed cartoons of the Islamic prophet
Muhammad to his pupils.
Prosecutors said they detained two men, one the father of a pupil at the school and another on the radar of intelligence services, who they said had used
social media to turn a dispute over the civics class into a campaign against the teacher.
The 40-year-old doctor, who left Lebanon for Germany in 2002, said he had promised his wife he would not shake another woman's hand, and that he was
prevented from doing so for religious reasons.
The Anglican and Catholic churches knew about allegations against notorious paedophile priests years before they were convicted and jailed for child sexual
abuse, missing crucial opportunities to stop them from abusing other children.
Self-censorship on issues such as religion and sexuality is a growing threat to the freedom to publish, the International Publishers Association has said.
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