Friend --
Got a second?
We’re reaching out because we need your help to save the Green Party here in New York.
Election Day is two weeks away. We’re asking Greens and Green allies to sign a pledge <[link removed]>to vote for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker <[link removed]>.
Gov. Cuomo and the Democrats changed the law <[link removed]> this year so that if we don’t get at least 150,000 votes here in New York, the Green Party will disappear from the ballot.
We’re also asking committed Greens to convince at least one other person to vote Green in New York this year, too. Can you help us with that?
Here are other ways you can help, too:
- Chip in <[link removed]>$5 to help with our ballot-line defense fund
- Volunteer <[link removed]> to phone-bank
- Spread <[link removed]> the word <[link removed]> on social media <[link removed]>
- Connect with your local <[link removed]> Green organization
See, just a second. Sign the pledge <[link removed]> and tell your friends!
Help us save the Green Party and build an eco-socialist future!
Green Party of New York
<[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]>[link removed]
Green Party of New York State - United States
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