Dear John,

As Boris Johnson trashes the constitution to try and force an undemocratic No Deal on us, now - more than ever - we must trust the people to end this Brexit crisis with a People's Vote.

The Labour Party is also committed to opposing No Deal - which threatens jobs, living standards and our place in the world - and supporting a People's Vote.

That's why we're marching at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton on September 21st.

Will you join us there? And will you invite your friends and family?

Yes I'll march with you 

We will be congregating from 1pm at The Level, Union Road and we will march at 2pm to Hove Lawns where we will hear from an incredible line-up of speakers from the Shadow Cabinet and every wing of the Labour Party.

Let's march for our democracy. Let's march to save our country. Let's march to make our voices heard.

 I'll march on September 21 

See you there. And thanks for your support. 

Amanda Chetwynd-Cowieson,
Co-founder of For Our Future's Sake

P.S. This rally is going to cost us money. Can you chip in to help support our work?

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