If there’s one thing Donald Trump loves (besides owing mysterious entities millions of dollars, of course) it’s right-wing House candidate Sean Parnell, who’s running against veteran Rep. Conor Lamb.
Don’t believe us? See for yourself:

Trump just can’t stop tweeting in support of Parnell, likely because he’s made it clear that if elected he’d do nothing but fall in line behind Traitor Trump.
Parnell is desperate to be Trump’s lapdog in the House and carry out his extremist agenda — starting with gutting the Affordable Care Act that so many veterans rely on to receive their care.
We’re out with a new ad in this district today featuring veteran and union worker Craig Romanovitch exposing Sean Parnell for who he really is and we need your help to make sure voters in Pennsylvania see it before Election Day.
Click here to check out the latest VoteVets ad running in PA-17 then make a donation of any amount to help us run more like it before the election in November.

Since he flipped this district blue in 2018, Conor Lamb has dutifully served his constituents and put people over party.
So Trump and national Republicans are hell-bent on taking this district back — they know they need to win here to hold on to the presidency and erase Democrats’ House majority.
That makes this race one where our team can really make a difference, but we’ll need your help to do it.
Defend Conor Lamb and help us defeat Trump’s favorite candidate Sean Parnell with a donation to VoteVets today. Your contribution will go towards ads like this one that we’ll be running to hold Trump and his enablers accountable this November:
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thanks for anything you can contribute to defend this critical district.