Are you voting?

Hank Gilbert for Congress


Our chance to watch Louie Gohmert hang up his spurs is right around the corner. We only have 15 days to reach voters and mobilize folks to get to the polls. More importantly, we need to make sure Texans are committed to vote.

That’s why I want you to join me and sign this pledge.

I Pledge To Vote

We don’t have any time to waste. And the Texas GOP is working overtime to intimidate us with suppressive tactics. Let’s show them that East Texas isn’t taking any of that bull.

Take the pledge to vote! Click here >>>

Together, we will finally give Louie the boot he deserves!


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I’m running for Congress because I believe we need a Congressman who will bring a good dose of East Texas values to the halls of Congress. When I’m elected to Congress, I’ll fight for enhanced funding for rural healthcare, massive student loan reform, and economic policies that make sense for East Texas. - Hank