From Sam Payne <[email protected]>
Subject "What's on the Ballot?" Webinar Info
Date October 19, 2020 8:11 PM
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Check out the latest news from the Massachusetts climate movement!
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Hello Friend,

Our next webinar, What's on the Ballot? is tonight, Monday, from 7-8:30pm EST.

Discussing Ranked Choice Voting, we have chair of the Yes On 2 Campaign, Jim Henderson.

Co-founders of Act On Mass Matt Miller and Erika Uyterhoeven will be joining us to talk about the Committee Vote Transparency ballot question appearing in 16 districts.

And addressing the 100% Renewable Energy ballot question appearing in 19 districts, we have 350 Mass' Legislative Coordinator Cabell Eames and 350 Mass volunteer Ben Thompson.

Here is the Zoom link to the webinar. ([link removed]) Please feel free to share this link with anyone you know who is interested in joining who may not have gotten the chance to sign up.

And here are the instructions for calling in to the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 822 6619 0995
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 822 6619 0995

This webinar will be recorded. The chat will also be saved.

Participants are encouraged to ask questions in the chat. Panelists will take time to address questions in between each section.

Bring your questions, bring your friends, and I look forward to seeing you there tonight!

Sam Payne
Digital Organizer & Communications Specialist
350 Mass
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** About Better Future Project and 350 Mass
Better Future Project (BFP) ([link removed]) builds grassroots power to advance a rapid transition beyond fossil fuels. 350 Mass ([link removed]) is Better Future Project's volunteer-led climate action network.

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