Holding the U.S. Accountable for Housing, Homelessness, and Human Rights During COVID-19 
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we know now more than ever that housing is healthcare, and both are human rights. On November 9, the U.S. government will face the United Nations Human Rights Council for its every-four-year Universal Periodic Review on compliance with its human rights obligations. Advocates can use this opportunity to push for attention to housing as a human right, the need to divest from law enforcement and invest in housing, as well as call out the federal, state, and local governments for abuses and failures to uphold the right to housing.
Join us Wednesday, October 21st, to hear from a panel of advocates working collectively with hundreds of other civil and human rights organizations about how they are using the process and how you may be able to use it in your community.
Panelists include:
  • Kerry McLean, US Human Rights Network
  • Rob Robinson, Partners for Dignity & Rights
  • David Stuzin, University of Miami Law School International Human Rights Clinic
  • Eric Tars, National Homelessness Law Center
To view previous webinars and see planned ones, please visit nlchp.org/resources/webinars/. Even if you cannot attend at the broadcast time, if you register you will automatically receive a link to the recorded version.
This biweekly webinar series will share the actions and legal strategies needed to ensure a right to housing both during the COVID-19 and moving forward. Keep an eye out for future themes and speakers! 
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National Homelessness Law Center (formerly the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty)
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036