Friends -
We’ve got a bigger Senate map this year than any of us thought, but there are few states that Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are worried about more than Georgia.
That’s why McConnell’s top two super PACs are spending tens of millions into the race against Jon Ossoff.
This race is in a dead heat. Polls from just this month show Ossoff anywhere from down 3 to up 6. This is anybody’s race to win, and with our help, Ossoff can do it.
There’s also been some recent news in this race. Perhaps you saw the viral video on Friday night of Sen. David Perdue purposefully mispronouncing Sen. Kamala Harris’ name.
It was awful. He said, "Kamala-mala-mala. I don’t know. Whatever."
Let me clear here: David knows how to pronounce her name. He has served with Senator Harris for four years. This behavior has no business in the United States Senate, and fortunately, we can end his tenure in November by supporting his opponent Jon Ossoff today.
And this is a race where your donation can go a long way. Yes, super PACs are spending a fortune — making this one of the most expensive states to compete in this cycle.
But the good news is that $3 for Jon Ossoff goes light years farther than $3 would for a super PAC. That’s because candidates by law have a right to the lowest rate on TV ads, and unlike the super PACs, Ossoff’s campaign is building out a real organizing operation to talk directly to voters. So what do you say?
Like I said, Georgia is one of our top battlegrounds this year. It could be the state that pushes us over the top in the fight to take back the White House and Senate and to hold the House. Investing in Jon Ossoff’s campaign right now will help lift all boats, so thank you for pitching in.
Every best wish,
Chris Murphy
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