
Jack --

The latest polls for Montana are out and show Steve Bullock's race could not be any closer. In a dead heat with his opponent, Steve Bullock needs your help to win this.

Steve Bullock 48% Steve Daines 48%

In a poll that came out yesterday, Steve Bullock and his opponent are tied at 48%. However, only one of them takes climate change seriously and knows how to work across the aisle to pass the ambitious legislation this planet needs: Steve Bullock.

Dark money special interests have poured over $450,000 into funding Bullock’s opponent in this race. Can you donate $10 to help Steve Bullock win Montana and flip this Senate seat?


I have seen firsthand how Steve Bullock tirelessly fights for Montanans, public lands, and conservation. As Attorney General, and more recently as Governor, he has a proven track record of standing up for clean air and water in Montana.

In contrast, his opponent, Steve Daines, is greenwashing his record and refusing to acknowledge the realities of climate change. The League of Conservation Voters has said, “Montana is one of the best opportunities to net a pro-environment Senate seat.” Together, we can flip it.

Replace far-right Steve Daines with a real energy leader and climate champion. The race is neck and neck and within the margin of error -- donate $5 to help Bullock pull ahead >>


Donate today to help win in the Big Sky state.

-- Jill Lombardi


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