Hello —

I have an important question to ask you with just 15 days until the most consequential election of our lifetimes. I hope you’ll grant me a minute or two to let me explain why it’s so important. Thanks.

As you know, I didn’t take the usual path to public office.

I worked as a geologist — and to be very blunt, I was a good geologist, but not a great geologist. I was ultimately laid off when the industry collapsed, and I was out of work for two years.

So, I took a chance and opened up one of the first brewpubs in the country. From the very first day, I knew I would be ten times better at that than I ever was as a geologist. Because I loved bringing people together and creating a team to do something special.

Those skills of bringing people together — especially when it’s hard — helped me get things done for Coloradans when I was Governor, like expanding health care to 500,000 people, enacting gun-safety reforms, and making our state a leader in fighting climate change. And it’s those experiences I want to take to Washington to get our government back on track.

I have to be honest, folks, Republicans are going all out in these last few weeks to defeat our campaign. Dark-money groups just dropped a huge ad buy to blanket the airwaves with lies about me.

We’re now being outspent 2:1 during the most crucial time of this race and while millions of Coloradans are filling out and returning their ballots. If we can’t fight back, I’m worried we could lose.

So, I have to ask: Will you donate $10 or whatever you can afford right now? Every dollar will go toward fighting the attacks, beating Cory Gardner, and flipping this seat blue.

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Thank you for everything. I am so proud of this team and how far we’ve gotten. 15 days. Let’s fight back, and win this.

— John