LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
Metro Washington Council Delegate Meeting: Mon, October 19, 5pm – 7pm Agenda includes election to fill 2 vacancies on the MWC Executive Board, and nominations for another vacancy that's just opened up. RSVP here
DC COPE meeting: Tue, October 20, 2pm – 4pm Meet to discuss and update our latest political and legislative efforts for Election Day and beyond. Please register in advance for this meeting
Northern Virginia AFL-CIO Faith/Labor Caucus: Tue, October 20, 4pm – 6pm CLICK TO REGISTER
MD/DC AFL-CIO Labor 2020 phonebank (NC): Tue, October 20, 6pm – 9pm Maryland and DC union members are urged to sign up and help out; all you need is a computer and a phone. Sign up here
Metro Washington Council and Community Services Agency staff are teleworking; reach them at the contact numbers and email addresses here.
Missed yesterday's Your Rights At Work radio show? Catch the podcast here; “Systemic racism” at the VA? Plus: the latest episode of the San Francisco Mime Troupe’s Tales of Resistance!
Labor 2020: DC door-knocks in PA for Biden SMART 100’s Tom Killeen (center) with friends at Pennsylvania labor’s GOTV for the Biden campaign last weekend, including PA Machinist members (left), Pam R and her daughters Paris and Barbara from Donna Edwards’ AFSCME social workers local. If you’d like to join Tom’s next caravan, email him at
Honk If You Hate Bullies Members of IATSE 868 conducted a series of demonstrations over the last few days to publicize their ongoing battle for a contract at Strathmore. The action included 22 signs in the ground designating each Ticket Office worker fired by Strathmore. Follow them on Facebook for latest updates.
DC dispensary organizes Workers at DC Holistic Wellness, the first 100% solely Black-owned cannabis dispensary in the District, have become the first dispensary to unionize. The workers unionized with UFCW Local 400 and have voted unanimously to ratify their first collective bargaining agreement. Owner Norbert Pickett said that "we are particularly proud to be the first fully unionized cannabis shop in the District offering employees greater pay, paid time off, and paid holidays, as well as retirement plans, additional accredited training and health care insurance.” And UFCW 400 president Mark Federici added that “In this emerging industry, it is critical that we establish the highest possible job standard, with living wages and comprehensive benefits. By taking this historic step, these workers have set a meaningful precedent for the cannabis industry in the District.” Read more
Today's Labor Quote: J.P Stevens boycott
“Don’t sleep with Stevens” was the motto of the boycott against J.P Stevens. Launched in 1976, the boycott generated national press coverage, mobilized many supporters, and inspired the 1979 Oscar-winning film Norma Rae.
Today's Labor History This week’s Labor History Today podcast: One Day More Saul Schniderman remembers musician activist Elaine Purkey (photo). Justice Denied: David Gariff on “Ben Shahn and the Case of Sacco and Vanzetti.” From the Tales from the Reuther Library podcast, “When It Happened Here: Michigan and the Transnational Development of American Fascism.” And, on this week’s Labor History in 2: Paul Robeson, “The Voice of an Era.” Last week’s show: The Package King
The J.P. Stevens textile company is forced to sign its first union contract after a 17-year struggle in North Carolina and other southern states - 1980
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.