To our members, volunteers and supporters
- thank you for your hard work.
This has been a gruelling campaign, having travelled 11,000km, over
a prolonged campaign period. Our many members, volunteers and
supporters have supported our Back Your Future tour through an
election that has been complicated by COVID-19.
Elections are about democracy and what the people wish.
We should never stop trusting the people, who we are privileged to
serve in whatever capacity, for however long.
To those who have been successful, our congratulations and
best wishes.
For 27 years, our party has been prepared to question the
establishment and challenge authority, and more than
ever, that force is still needed.
As for the next challenge, we all have to wait in earnest to see
what presents itself.
Thanks to our Parliamentary team and support staff who have worked
for the people over the last term. Our Ministerial team and staff have
made impressive contributions in government.
To the incoming government, all the best as you chart a course for
our nation’s COVID recovery.
We shall be watching with interest.
New Zealand First Communications Team
Authorised by E. Witehira, 251E Rawhiti
Rd, RD4, Hikurangi, Northland, 0184