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** Tips for a Healthy, Balanced School Year
Happy new school year! This newsletter offers ideas to support student well-being at home and in school this year.
* Read Denise Pope’s recent blog post (#SEEDS) with a deeply personal reflection on lessons she learned from battling a concussion this summer.
* Explore stories from local and national media highlighting back-to-school tips (#CSNEWS) for students and parents from Challenge Success.
* Read about changes being made by some of our school partners (#CSACT) to support student well-being and engagement with learning.
* Watch these video clips of Lisa Damour (#LISA) and Lynn Lyons (#LYNN) , the keynote speakers at our upcoming Parent Education events in Palo Alto (#LISA) [link removed] Boston (#LYNN) . Grab your tickets now. We hope to see you there!
Check out our recently released Annual Report (#ANNUALREPORT) to learn more about our growth and continued expansion over the past year. And, we're hiring! See two new opportunities to join our Research Team (#HIRING) .
The Challenge Success Team
Do you know a school striving to create a balanced, engaging environment for all students? Learn more about how we partner with schools ([link removed]) or contact ( for more information.
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By Denise Pope, PhD
This summer was a challenging one for me. I got a virus at the end of June that caused me to pass out and hit my head on the bathroom floor – and in addition to a big bump over my right eye – that fall also gave me a concussion. I have been dealing with fatigue, dizziness, and other common concussion symptoms for over two months now. I spent much of my summer consulting with a variety of doctors who often provided conflicting advice. It is amazing to me how much we still don’t know about the human brain and how it heals. However, one recommendation from a physical therapist who specializes in brain recovery resonated with me and reminded me of advice we give regularly to students, parents, and educators who partner with Challenge Success.
READ FULL POST ([link removed])
Challenge Success in the News
** We Have Ruined Childhood ([link removed]) | The New York Times
** Back-to-School Tips for Parents ([link removed]) | KQED Forum
** Three Things Overscheduled Kids Need More of in Their Lives ([link removed]) | KQED Mindshift
** 15 Ways to Help Teens and Tweens Adjust to Going Back-to-Schoo ([link removed]) l | BAM Radio Network
Challenge Success in Action: Local News from School Partners
** In Armonk, Re-thinking College Admissions Success ([link removed]) | The Inside Press
** South Pasadena High School Improvements Here ([link removed]) | South Pasadena Review
** Rye Schools Restrict Access to Student Portal ([link removed]) |
** How the Newly Structured Lamorinda School Calendar Came About ([link removed]) | Lamorinda Weekly
Join Us For Our Upcoming Parent Ed Events ([link removed])
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West Coast Annual Parent Education Event - An evening with Dr. Lisa Damour
September 27th, 7-8:30pm | Palo Alto, CA
Purchase ([link removed]) $10 tickets
Check out
this short video ([link removed]) of Lisa Damour on CBS This Morning.
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East Coast Annual Parent Education Event - An evening with Lynn Lyons
October 11th, 7:00-8:30pm | Waltham, MA
Purchase ([link removed]) $10 tickets
Check out
this short video ([link removed]) of Lynn Lyons.
Annual Report ([link removed])
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In 2018, we celebrated our 15th anniversary! Our annual report provides an opportunity to share how, in partnership with you, we have been able to expand and impact more schools, families, and communities. Highlights of the year include: a 30% growth in schools reached, the release of our 4th white paper, A "Fit" Over Rankings, focused on healthy college admissions, and a new parent survey tool for schools. Your support is beyond meaningful and has allowed us to extend our reach across the country. Thank you!
Download the Annual Report ([link removed])
We're Hiring! ([link removed])
Our research team is an integral part of our work with schools and families.
Share these opportunities to join our team.
Senior Research Associate ([link removed])
Research Assistant ([link removed])
Want to see if Challenge Success will be coming to your community?
Find out where our team will be presenting parent education, professional development, and workshops at other educational conferences.
Check out our CALENDAR ([link removed]) .
Strategies for Student Well-Being and Engagement with Learning
** Challenge Success ([link removed])
partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning. We believe that our society has become too focused on grades, test scores, and performance, leaving little time for kids to develop the skills necessary to become independent, resilient, and ethical individuals. Learn more about our ** impact ([link removed])
and how to ** support ([link removed])
our mission. Challenge Success is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Stanford University Graduate School of Education.
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