Trump is leading the charge to rip away millions of Americans' health care in the middle of a global pandemic, and openly brags about tilting the nation's highest court in his favor.


I am reaching out to you to share how disappointed I am in Mitch McConnell and his GOP Senate colleagues for continuing to neglect their basic duty to deliver on a COVID-19 stimulus package for our communities. 
Instead, they are focused on rushing through a rabidly anti-choice Supreme Court nominee. And, meanwhile, in between unmasked and undistanced campaign rallies, Trump is leading the charge to rip away millions of Americans’ health care — in the middle of a global pandemic. 
And he openly brags about tilting the nation’s highest court in his favor. 
What's wrong with this picture? Everything! 
As the People’s Attorney here in Oregon, I have fought to protect access to health care and have taken on the Trump administration every step of the way as they’ve tried to gut the Affordable Care Act. We — Democratic AGs — took on this fight on Day One, when the Republican AGs sued to invalidate the ACA and strip care from millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.  We have remained in the fight all the way to the US Supreme Court, where arguments are set for one week after Election Day. Wish us luck! 
More than ever we’re seeing how critical access to health care is now. With just barely over two weeks left until the election, we need to leave it all on the field for the candidates - myself included - who will work to expand access to affordable health care.
This is the fight of our lifetime, and we need the support of grassroots donors like you to take us over the finish line.
Thanks in advance, 


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