House Passes Bipartisan Water Infrastructure and Jobs Bill for Southern California & Nation

Our bipartisan Water Resources Development Act (WRDA, H.R. 7575), includes many important provisions I was able to secure as Chairwoman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Water Resources Subcommittee that will help communities in Southern California and across the nation tackle the challenges they face with water supply, flood prevention, and water quality.
As Chairwoman I held seven hearings and roundtables--including our Baldwin Park field roundtable (pictured above) with local elected officials from the Los Angeles region--which offered Members, stakeholders, and the general public numerous opportunities to provide valuable testimony and input, ultimately helping produce WRDA.
H.R. 7575, which passed the House on July 29 and is awaiting Senate action, authorizes $10 billion for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to carry out water resources development projects and studies, as well as policy direction to the Corps for implementation of its Civil Works missions. Read more here.
House Passes Moving Forward Act Infrastructure Bill with Over $37 Billion for California Highways & Transit
As the highest-ranking California member on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I was proud to secure over $37 billion for California in the surface transportation portion of the bill—INVEST in America Act. This will make a significant impact in improving the lives of San Gabriel Valley residents by reducing commute times, increasing safety on our highways, bridges, buses and rails, and safeguarding our environment. I thank the cities, transportation agencies, and water agencies in my district and state which were integral in informing Congress of their concerns and ideas for infrastructure policy. This valued input will help bring federal dollars to our region to put people back to work, while ensuring our long-term infrastructure needs are addressed.
The Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2),which passed the House on July 1 and awaits Senate action, is a more than $1.5 trillion investment to rebuild American infrastructure from roads, bridges, and transit systems, to schools, housing, and broadband access. Read more here.
Clean Water Act Turns 48 Today: Reminds Us Every Drop is Precious

For 48 years, the Clean Water Act has helped to protect our streams, rivers, wetlands, and lakes and has provided our states with tools to keep our waters clean. Undermining this bedrock law is a threat to the health of our nation’s waters and American families. We must build on the legacy of the Clean Water Act and work to ensure clean and safe water is a right, afforded to every individual in the United States.