Hi John.

It's funny; I'm sitting here wanting to type "I'm feeling really good about our chances" or "I think we're going to win," and yet I am SO scarred by 2016 that even typing the words makes me anxious.

Feel me?

So, hypothetically, knock wood, all the planets align, and we wake up November 4th to the promise of a much brighter future.  Now what?

"Donald Trump's agenda will take America backward and must be stopped."

This has been the basis of Stand Up's mission for the last nearly four years.  I am so incredibly proud of the work you have all done holding our MOC's feet to the fire and fighting for the issues that we are passionate about. We have held regular meetings with staff and have cultivated solid relationships with them based on mutual respect.  We've learned a lot, laughed a lot, cried a bit (okay maybe that was just me).  More often than not we were told nothing could be done because we were not the party in power.


So, if we win: now the real fun begins--or the real work, depending how you look at it!  We've earned some serious political capital as a group, and I encourage you to think long and hard about how you'd like to spend it.  Also keep in mind that nothing lasts forever, so we need to be focused, strategic, and on our game.

My two-year term will be coming to an end at the end of this year.  I get the impression many of you would like to continue on with these meetings.  It certainly is a unique and valuable opportunity, and a resource that is uncommon even among other groups.  Please take some time to consider how you could see yourself playing a role.  It will take a village, and there are jobs large and small.  Above all please know that the group will not run itself, so I'm asking you to push that comfort zone a bit!  It'll be worth it, I promise.

(Speaking of--one of those jobs should be fundraising/treasury.  It costs me about $150 a month to pay group bills, even in COVID.  If you could help a bit, my paypal link is here.  Thanks everyone.)

I'll be taking some time each Sunday Zoom between now and the end of the year to let you all discuss what you'd like to happen with Stand Up.  Let's get organized and be ready to hit the ground running in January.  Just imagine how different those agendas are going to look!  How exciting.  (Here's today's link; click to join between 2 and 3.)  If you can't join today, don't worry; this will be an ongoing conversation.


I start feeling comfy and then I see things like this that throw me into a panic:

So are you phone banking?  Texting?  Writing and sending?  Donating?  Please remember 2016.  No regrets.  Here are good links if you need options:





AND!  Please check out how you can help protect the vote by working the National Voter Hotline!  Shifts ongoing!




We'll be doing a text bank directly following today's meeting.  (I've extended the end of the Zoom so we can hang out and text.)  If you're not already familiar, we'll get you going!  The text campaigns are timely and relevant, and they WORK.  Let's get out that voooooooote.  


Did anyone catch Feinstein's performance at the SCOTUS hearings?  It might be time for Stand Up to send her a letter.  Join us today between 2 and 3 if you have thoughts.  I mean really, Dianne.


On a purely personal note:  I am one of the many people who will be facing eviction when the moratorium ends Dec. 31st.  I'm so sorry if I've been a bit absent lately, but I've been pretty stunned and distracted as you might imagine.  If you know anyone hiring fine dining waiters, please hit me up.  Otherwise please say a quiet word for what awaits many of us this winter, and continue to fight hard so that we'll have an overwhelming victory on November 3rd.  Enough.

Much love.

Stand Up San Francisco