Hello Friend,
Yesterday, Women's Marches took the streets demanding no confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett. Contingents of Handmaids drew women to join in, and conveyed visceral anger and fear at the prospect of a Supreme Court being shaped to uphold fascist laws. Those we met found, with RefuseFascism, a strategy to drive out the whole regime. Welcome!
There is mass organizing to do now, bringing more people into the #OutNOW movement, and into the streets demanding TrumpPenceOutNOW.
Two donors have pledged to match $1500 in donations today.
>> Donate now to double-down, and give while it matters

Or, donate quickly via Venmo @Refuse-Fascism Cashapp $RefuseFascism or on Paypal
Trump is already stealing the election. Black and Latino people forced to stand in line 12 hours to vote, mail-in drop off locations shut down during a pandemic while armed white supremacist MAGA militias are being mobilized to intimidate. WE HAVE TO ASSEMBLE NOW TO PLAN AND ORGANIZE …TO STAND TOGETHER EVERY DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION TO STOP THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME.
We must vote in big numbers. BUT, we have to face the reality that voting alone will not stop Trump. The illegitimate rushed confirmation of a theocratic fascist, Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is for the immediate purpose of throwing the election to Trump should he lose. Trump and Amy Coney Barrett refuse to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. We face a rolling coup heading to a showdown November 3.
Let’s unite and rise just like we did in the spring for Black lives, coming back day after day in non-violent protest – united by a single demand Trump/Pence OutNow! and refusing to stop till they’re gone.
These final days leading up to the election must be our time, not Trump’s. We can change the political landscape, holding fast to principles of non-violence, yet determined to prevail. Our numbers, our diversity, and our heart for humanity can sustain us through whatever the Trump/Pence regime tries to do to remain in power. As we grow, we will inspire millions more to join this great struggle, until those in power, to stem the rising tide of protest, are compelled to concede to our single demand that the regime must go.
On Saturday, October 24, come one and all into the public square for mass protest assemblies to demand Trump/Pence Out Now!
NYC: 2:00 pm Union Square
LA: 2:00 pm Pershing Square
Chicago: 2:00 pm Federal Plaza
Philadelphia: 2:00 pm Rittenhouse Square
more events
Let us show the world that we are uniting, with courage and conviction, to drive the Trump and Pence from power. In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America

>> Donate now to double-down, and give while it matters
Or, donate quickly via Venmo @Refuse-Fascism Cashapp $RefuseFascism or on Paypal
RefuseFascism national team
917 407 1286
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Donate via Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism | Donate via CashApp: @RefuseFascism
Send checks or money orders, payable to "Refuse Fascism"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 305 West Broadway #185 NY, NY 10013