John --

There's only one word to sum this up - wow.

24 minutes after sending our first email about the HOPE not hate general election fighting fund, we'd raised £2000.

43 minutes in, we'd hit £3000.

As I write this email now, we're on an astonishing £9336, which is 37% of the amount we told you we needed to get this campaign off the ground, just three days after launching the fund.

If we can make it to 50% by the end of this week, then next week the HOPE not hate team can get started on General Election work - preparing our social media ads, getting ready to organise on the ground and so much more.

Can you chip in now to help us get take on the Brexit Party?

We haven't got millionaire backers like Arron Banks behind us, but the last fews days have just reconfirmed that we don't need it - we've got you.

Let's take on Farage and Banks together - donate to the fighting fund now.

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Published by HOPE not hate Ltd. PO Box 61382, London, N19 9EQ

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If you'd like to fund our work in a more sustainable way, you can join the HOPE Action Fund here.