Poll: John James Is 1 Point
Away From Flipping The Michigan Senate Seat From Blue To

Have you seen the latest polls from
Michigan? The last few days have produced some really good poll
numbers for John James in his race to defeat Gary Peters, a man that
can be best described as a “generic Democrat.” First, CBS News had
James down 3 points (within the margin of error). Then, the
New York Times, in a poll released Monday, had James down
just 1 point (also,
within the margin of error) - this race is very
John James Over The Finish Line --> Donate $25, $50, $100, $250,
$500, $1000, or $2,800 Now!
John James is a veteran, a businessman, and a political
outsider. He embodies the American Dream and will be a great
conservative voice in the Senate.
Send Iraq War Veteran John James To The US Senate >>>
This race is crucial to keep our
Republican majority in the Senate. That majority is what ensures that
President Trump can keep confirming conservative judges and Justices.
The Republican Senate is also the xxxxxx protecting us from the
radically liberal House Democrat agenda. We must do everything we can
to hold this majority.
us flip this all-important Michigan Senate seat today by donating
Neil Strauss
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